Future Church Brisbane

Vocation: Boldness in the Workplace

Future Church Brisbane

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Speaker 1:

Are we good? Are we ready for the Bible? Okay, jump in Everyone. This is Mike Edmondson, hey Church, and we're going to do something a little experimental today. We're going to preach together, you can see how that goes.

Speaker 2:

We had a fun time preparing this and, yeah, we're ready to share with you. It'd be wonderful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's going to be great. Today we're going to share about the concept of being bold Boldness in the workplace, boldness in your vocation. Over the last several weeks, we've been sharing about how boldness sorry, how vocation is more than your job, but it is what you bring to your job. It is who you are given to the world. It is the call of God on your life and your contribution to the world around you. Through the grace of God. Your vocation is important, it's big and it's worth discovering and digging into and giving your best to, because God is with you in your vocation. We believe that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but today we're going to talk a little bit about boldness because at some point you and I are going to have to talk about the kingdom of God and what Jesus has done in our lives, in our vocation.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I think some of us would feel comfortable if we only talked about being a good example or maybe doing good work, and we have been talking about doing good work and we will continue to. This is very important, but at some point we are going to have to use our words and boldly proclaim that we know Jesus, that we are with Jesus and we are part of the kingdom of God. What does that kind of look like? Because I think, as I even say those words, some of you are like hearing people you know, maybe preaching on the street corner or sharing their faith in a super awkward way. That doesn't really work, and you're kind of saying I don't want to do that, but I do want to share my faith. So how does that look like? What do we even do there? So we're going to share today about sharing your faith with boldness in your everyday life, and I believe it's going to be really, really encouraging to you. So, mike, why don't you get us started? Brett, awesome.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thanks, luke. Everyone knows that I work as a police officer and I think I'm so honored that Luke wanted to share this message together and we had, like I said, we had a really great time preparing it. So let's get into it. Policing is one of the oldest occupations in the world. It's my occupation, but it's actually my vessel to do God's work and live out my calling according to his will. It's an occupation where it's easy to think that the whole world is going straight to hell because of the evil deeds that we're face to face with every day and the people that come before us that appear pure evil based on the way and their actions based on their behaviour. Pure evil based on the way and their actions based on their behaviour. This darkness and these dark thoughts can consume any workplace if they're allowed in. It can overcome us if we don't stand firm in our faith and knowing what we're spiritually called to do and honouring God by knowing our work is meaningful to advance his kingdom. Whilst I'll loop back and forth to my occupation to share lived examples, lived experiences, it's not about me, it's always about Jesus. This message is an invitation to come to him and step out in your faith, to be bold with your faith amidst present darkness. My hope is that you say yes, wholeheartedly, to that invitation. So when face-to-face with challenges in your workplace or challenging people, have you ever felt to ask yourself I'm only one person, what am I going to do about it? I've been there, but let me tell you there is so much you can do about it. Church, I left my calling and I stepped out of my purpose and I would openly say to people I'm only one person, I can't change the culture and basically I gave up. But that's when Jesus saved my life and changed my heart. And when you look to Jesus, god in human form, the perfect man, someone who we aspire to be every day, jesus was only one person. He changed the world forever. So I think, what am I complaining about? Why are we giving up so easily, so passively, that God goes before us and fights the battle? So we should never tire of being the light to him, and that's a conduit for the one true light that is Jesus. So we should never tire of being the light to him and that's a conduit for the one true light that is Jesus. As Luke said last week, we've got to get in the game. So you may only be one person, but you can have a radical impact on your workplace if you put your trust wholeheartedly in Jesus. So let's get to work.

Speaker 2:

So what I want to ask you is how many Christians are in your workplace and secondly, how many people in your workplace want to know about Jesus? One of the most recent studies shows that one in four people would come to church if you simply asked them. Alright. So that one in four people would come to church if you simply asked them. All right. So one in four. That one person, probably because they just like you or don't want to let you down. This is good, but I think we can get those numbers up.

Speaker 2:

What do you reckon? How do we do that? Jesus wasn't even content with one lost sheep. The majority of us spend 40 plus hours of work a week with our workmates. We're not Sunday Christians. We haven't sprinkled a little bit of Jesus in our lives.

Speaker 2:

So if you don't know the answer to how many Christians are in your workplace or how many people want to know about Jesus, my question is why not? Why not? We are so much stronger together, so we so passionately worship Jesus here on a Sunday for what? An hour and a half, and then we leave, go into our workplace and hide our faith and be private about our faith, like not telling anyone living two lives. So Jesus brought the church everywhere he went. The church was not limited to one place, one structure. So in our workplace, jesus shows us. Why don't we just bring the church to them? That's how we get our numbers up. People need to hear the message of Jesus. They crave it. Now, church. I've hidden my faith in the past. I've conformed, I've not spoken up when I needed to or should have. But that leads to turmoil and that leads to death.

Speaker 1:

So I want to ask you are you hiding your faith?

Speaker 2:

so no one sees In fear of persecution, being overlooked for promotion or opportunity or simply just not getting invited to Friday afternoon drinks. But to the world it seems unnatural not to conform, and it seems unnatural not to want to be the gray person or being lukewarm or some sort of stereotype just to fit in so you don't stand out. But we need to stand firm in our faith. So if you're persecuted for our faith, jesus teaches us that's part of it. But God will close doors that you were not meant to open. Teaches us that's part of it. But God will close doors that you were not meant to open and God will keep doors closed to protect you. He'll block a path that you weren't meant to go down, a partnership you weren't meant to form or an opportunity you weren't meant to get. I want to share 2 Corinthians 4.16, 4 16. Therefore, we do not lose heart through. Outwardly, we are wasting away, yet inwardly, we are being renewed day by day. So our heart is for jesus, not for the flesh. So let's not lose heart. Outwardly, they think you're wasting away because you're not seeking status or the next shiny thing or the promotion that's going to lead to turmoil, you know. Yet inwardly, we're renewed every single day, day by day, because we know who we actually work for. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. God will increase us and raise us up on his time or we don't need to force it.

Speaker 2:

Has everyone seen the movie? Uh, finding nemo? Kids movie finding nemo excellent, excellent. Uh, in my 16 years experience, the culture and the atmosphere in the police is so in the darkness that the people who do not know jesus are like the fish swimming around in the in the movie Finding Nemo. I'll explain that. There's a scene in the movie where beautiful, bright clownfish ventures into the deepest, darkest part of the ocean. It's darkness, pitch black. He can't see anything. And yet there are fish down there that are caught in the darkness. They've accepted and adapted to the darkness and only every now and then a light shines to lure you in, only then to show you their big, sharp teeth to devour you. The devil has convinced them that it's comfortable in the darkness and you better not be different or stand out. So I want to ask you have you experienced darkness like this or felt darkness like this? Do not lose heart.

Speaker 2:

One of my favorite verses in the Bible all-time favorite, and I share it all the time is John, chapter 1, verse 5, the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. When Jesus is shining through you but you're the only one in your workplace, or you think you're the only one in your workplace, it's easy to succumb to the feeling that the opposite is true to that verse, that you need to overcome the darkness, fight it or wrestle it or tackle it or whatever sort of fighting word you want to use. But another translation for overcome is understood. Okay. So if you interpret that verse as the light shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood it, then instead of being overwhelmed by trying to overcome the darkness, why don't we just try to help people understand the light and that in the light? That's where we find peace, that's where we find joy, that's where we find love, rather than accepting that the darkness will always remain, perhaps being bold about our faith and open about our faith. This would brighten your workplace and have people open their hearts to Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Now I'll finish up, but there's a little known verse that probably seldomly gets up on the big screen. It's a verse I love and it's Acts 20, verse 8. There were many lamps in the upstairs room where we were meeting. Now, to put it in context, paul was organizing a meeting to preach about Jesus to a group of non-believers. I'm sure you've read the book of Acts. But he didn't just put enough lamps in there, or just some lamps, or enough lamps to get us through to eight o'clock. You know, when people had bought their tickets, for he filled that room with many lamps, he said fill that room with many lamps Because Paul was prepared to preach about Jesus as long as it took until they knew who Jesus was. I'm saying, church, that we need to start turning on lamps at our workplace. We need to fill our workplace with many lamps because we're not going to give up. Yeah, light that fire in people's hearts for Jesus.

Speaker 1:

I'll hand it back over to Luke. Paul was known for his long messages, wasn't he? Was that the one where the kid fell asleep and fell out the window? Yeah, he fell out the window. Yes, there we go. Long messages, we won't keep you that long here today. No, sorry, that's okay.

Speaker 1:

Boldly sharing your faith? Okay, when I say the concept of share your faith, what do you think about? When I say, share the gospel with somebody, what does that mean? What does that look like? Maybe you think about, oh, let's share the four spiritual laws. Or maybe let's share a series of Bible verses. You can think of many things, and sometimes this can be quite, you know, overwhelming, especially if you're thinking about trying to get people saved so that they can get into heaven. Some people think that's kind of the goal, right, so I've got to give you a formula and then, at the end of the formula, I've got one shot to get you to pray the prayer so that you will get into heaven. This is the problem with that is that's really not the way that Jesus shared his faith.

Speaker 1:

I was talking to a guy recently he's actually a pastor as well and we randomly met and he didn't know that I had been going through radiation treatment. He had also been going through radiation treatment and he was at the hospital a lot. And he said I've been sharing my faith with everybody and nobody's interested, no one wants to hear. Not one person has been open and sort of my how do you say BS meter was jumping, my meter of, is that okay to say Unbelief? My not believing meter was dinging because I've also been that Okay. And I said, really, tell me more about, like, how you've been sharing. And he said, well, I go up to him at the waiting rooms and I say, do you know Jesus, I'll pray for you. And I said, really, is that all? No, like, no, like, hello or anything. No introduction, no, hi, my name is or how are you today? I'm sorry, you're having a hard time, sorry, you're here getting through another day, are we? No, no connection, no care for a person, maybe more care about what I have to give than what what I have to give is actually going to do in your life and actually the person on the other side of the table. I started asking him these questions. He could probably tell I was leading towards some way, because I have also been in those waiting rooms for the last six months and I've got to tell you, every single person who I've shared the gospel with has been open. Why is that? People are really open to Jesus. That is true. That has been my experience. I've shared Jesus with many, many people recently and the vast majority have been open to God. But people need to know that you actually care about them and are interested in them, in their lives, before that you go off and start preaching a message to them.

Speaker 1:

Most of Jesus' evangelism, if you want to call it that, was invitational. Would you like to come to a party? Would you like to come and share your life with me? Paul said this. He said not only did we look to share our message with you, but we wanted to share our lives with you. Here is my life.

Speaker 1:

The gospel is not a formula to get to heaven. The gospel is a whole new kingdom which you are invited to come and be part of, and the new king is amazing, by the way. New king is so caring. He is so good. His righteousness and his justice is perfect. He looks after everyone in the kingdom. He cares about you so deeply that he would die on a cross. This is a much better story. And also, you can be with him forever, even we, even after we perish, we're going to be alive forever. This is a much better story than if you died tonight, where you you've heard it preached, you've heard it shared. There's a much better story that we have to give to people. Have you thought about sharing the gospel, what it actually means? I think that we need to be confident in the message that we have, because it's so good.

Speaker 1:

So what's stopping you from sharing Jesus with other people? For me, oftentimes it's fear of rejection. I don't. I personally, I don't like I don't know about you guys, but I don't like getting rejected. It's not fun. I don't like it when people say, oh, that's terrible, go get out. That's not a fun experience. I'm like putting myself out there a little bit and then, when someone doesn't receive it, I'm kind of like, oh ouch, you know it's not fun. Or maybe I'm afraid also of people calling me a hypocrite, because the reality is I'm not perfectly living the gospel. I don't perfectly live as a Christian. You're looking at me all judgy now Because I'm like you, I'm just a person. So I'm afraid, if I share Jesus with you and I don't live up to that perfectly. What does that say about me? It says I am a person who needs Jesus. That's what it says, and I think we should lower our pretentiousness and be honest about the fact that the reason I'm following Jesus is because I need Jesus. Not because I'm perfectly living Jesus, but I need Jesus, and I'm aware of that. That takes humility to understand that, and I think that would be helpful.

Speaker 1:

Persecution Mike talked about this persecution in the workplace. I wonder, though and Matthew, chapter 5, talks about this blessed are the persecuted, for theirs is the kingdom of God. But I wonder, though, how many of us are being persecuted for actually living the gospel, and how many of us are being persecuted simply because we're lazy at work and we have a bad attitude, maybe Like if you were someone. Okay, let's say, living the gospel, all right, you're the most gracious person in the office. You're the most forgiving, you're the most hardworking, you're the most encouraging, like the Bible teaches. You are not late and slack, but you actually work like as if you're working for God, with a great attitude. You're a solution bringer. You always stay a little bit extra to make sure everything's done properly. You're giving your best and you're always quick to forgive, you're slow to be angry with people, you're patient, you're kind, you have the fruit of the Spirit working.

Speaker 1:

Are you really getting persecuted for that? I think the boss is like this is the best person ever. Give me 10 more. Wherever you come from. That's probably the reality In Australia today.

Speaker 1:

If you actually live like a Christian, very rarely you're getting persecuted for that. It might be your attitude. Persecuted for that. It might be your attitude. It might be your abrasive, arrogant attitude in sharing or pushing something on other people. You could get persecuted for that, but very rarely would you get persecuted for simply being a great person who has faith. I think we should think about that. Don't be afraid of persecution for living your faith. Living your faith out is actually an amazing life. It's a great example of life. It's actually a really.

Speaker 1:

And the darker the world gets to Mike's point, the darker the world gets, the more bright the gospel shines. That's why I'm not personally worried about characters of Jesus at the Olympics. I'm not worried about that. The darker the world wants to get, the more crazy the world becomes, the more beautiful the story of Jesus is.

Speaker 1:

I'm not worried about people putting down Jesus. Jesus put himself down on a cross. It doesn't get any worse than it doesn't get any more shameful than that. I'm not worried about being ashamed or Jesus being ashamed. Jesus is not worried about that. Jesus is the power to actually change people's lives. Why would I ever be ashamed of that? He's so powerful and he's so good. So what's stopping you from sharing your faith? I would encourage you to think about it and maybe start praying into this. Praying into how could I share my faith with someone through my workplace? Maybe it's a friend, maybe it's someone around you. Sometimes it's not appropriate to be, you know, to be sharing with people. That's okay. Ask God for opportunities. I believe if we started asking God for opportunities, he would give them to us. I really believe that, malcolm, you want to bring us home.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, Luke. So what I want to finish with is a story. I want to share a lived story of how Jesus saved a man's life. But first I'm going to share from the Gospel of John. John's Gospel, chapter 5, verse 6. When Jesus saw him lying there, he learned that he'd been in this condition for a long time. He asked him do you want to get well? Now, in this verse, Jesus is about to heal the man by the pool, Without fear of what people are going to say. He knows what they're going to do, but there were many people by the pool, Without fear of what people are going to say. He knows what they're going to do, but there were many people by the pool. Why this man? In this verse, Jesus teaches us to notice people, people in need, have compassion for people and love people, love others, have compassion for people and love people, love others.

Speaker 2:

So I was working night shift one night. It's 1 am in the morning. It's the middle of winter, we're on foot, I'm with six other officers and we're standing outside the clubs in the bustling city. We'd already dealt with four of the identical job that night. Four identical incidents man walks into the club. Man drinks too much, gets asked to leave man doesn't want to leave gets dragged out, handed to the police, the police. He then fights the police and gets given a whole bunch of fines and either goes away in a taxi or off to jail. Four identical jobs. So when they were done, it was my turn and I said, oh, whatever comes out next is mine, and that's how we did it. So we knew who was investigating. So, lo and behold, security drag out another guy and there's a seven-foot man coming out with the security oh great, but not fighting the security. His big somber look on his face, head down, and he just comes out and just flops on the floor. And normally I'd say mate, sit down, that's a safety, he just flops on the floor. Now I heard from the security and everyone else the near identical circumstances to the other jobs. So to the world, I could be excused for just going through the motions. All right, mate, here's your fine, see you later.

Speaker 2:

But when I leaned in and heard his exact story, my heart was jumping out of my chest to help him. He told me a story. I leaned into him, sorry, and I said to him like what are you really here? Why are you really here tonight and he told me a story of utter despair, that he had arrived trying to drink enough fast enough to leave and then end his life. So I told him that I cared about him and that I was going to try to get him help. And I stood up and spoke to my colleagues and told them what he'd said, and they snickered at me and didn't believe him. But health professionals arrive and they determined that it was just vile threats and they weren't going to do anything about it. And so, without fear, I organised to drive him straight up to hospital myself and I spent another two hours with him at the hospital. And after a short while we were there, he turned to me just out of the blue and said to me hey, did you really mean it when you said that you cared about me? I looked at him and said, mate, I wouldn't be here if I didn't.

Speaker 2:

And then after that I spoke to him about a man named Jesus. We spent the rest of the time talking about Jesus and how good it could be. We stayed in touch and he sorted his stuff out and moved overseas with his family, which is what he was struggling with, and he goes to church every Sunday now. Now, that's not in my job description, but that's in our job description as Christians. Yeah, Now it's egotistical to say, or even think, that I saved his life that night. It's Jesus who saved his life, and because as soon as his light was there, man, the darkness didn't stand a chance.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so powerful You're taking that step of faith. It's so amazing. We all come to this line where we know God wants us to say something and we can either say it or we hold back. When we hold back, we always regret that, right, I know I do.

Speaker 1:

I was with a man this week, as we come to a close in a moment. I was with a man this week and he asked me what did you learn from cancer? What did you learn from having cancer? And I said this is going to sound like really simple, but let me tell you what I learned from cancer. I learned that God loves me more than I could ever imagine. The men started to cry in front of me. It got a little awkward and and I started sharing with him about Jesus, in my faith, and and he and he just come and he started hugging me. He was like, he's so powerful, like man. This is amazing, and I thought I could have said what I learned from cancer is we have great health care in Australia, which is also true. Right, that's also true, but it's not really what I learned from cancer.

Speaker 1:

Does this make any sense? Why is your life different? Oh, I have a great family. That's true. That is true, but you know there's more to it than that. Why have you been able to overcome this thing?

Speaker 1:

I had some help, that is true, but you know there's more than that, and what people really need is real hope. You could gloss over things or you could take a risk and you could say it's because I know Jesus or God has changed my life, or how, in your own words. I really pray that as a church community, we are the kind of people who have the courage to take a step of faith and actually share the truth with people in a beautiful and caring way. That's thoughtful. So we're going to pray and I'm going to pray for maybe even you've got some friends in your mind, maybe a family member who needs Jesus right now, a workplace you know there's a boss or a colleague who needs Jesus right now and you've been too afraid to share. But I want to pray for boldness in your workplace, mike. Do you want to pray for us, brett?

Speaker 2:

Thank you, jesus. Jesus, this is a prayer for boldness. We pray that when we leave here today, that we can be a bright, shining, bold, beaming light for you, jesus, that we be open and public about our faith, unashamed of the gospel, unashamed of your name, your mighty name. We pray that anyone here today, or listening, doesn't know you, jesus, that they just don't know you yet that you keep seeking them. Jesus, speak to them, make their hearts tender for your love, your unfailing, eternal love, so that we can all go boldly together In Jesus' name amen Amen.

Speaker 1:

Thanks, mike, good bro, love it, love it Amazing.